How the environments, spaces, infrastructures and services influence the improvement of the health and quality of life of citizens, are some of the challenges that were presented at the ‘Global Positive Forum-LH Forum’ held in Le Havre , Normandy, between September 27th and 29th and dedicated this time to the “Positive Cities and Territories”.

An international meeting that has turned the Norman city for three days into a true laboratory on positive economics.

The forum was attended by, among others, the Mayor of Grenoble, Eric Piolle; the president of  Mega Cities ShortDocs, Didier Bonnet; the mayor of Pontevedra, Miguel Anxo Fernández Lores; the scientist, university professor and specialist in intelligent control of complex systems, Carlos Moreno; and the French economist, politician, writer, and intellectual, Jacques Attali.

Fernández Lores intervened at the closing of the program on the 28th in order to present his model of the city.

Now, Pontevedra

In fact, after being invited to the III RIES18 Forum in Pontevedra to be held in October, as main speaker, Moreno proposed to share the advances, innovations and solutions that are generated in both forums – the French and the Pontevedra – in the social and health field. and health, proposing the presence of Fernández Lores in Le Havre, which was finally achieved with the intervention of the Galician Health Cluster, organizer of the III RIES18 Forum and its collaborating entity Axperia-Ventures.

Moreno is internationally recognized, among other concepts for his idea of ​​”living cities” in which, for example, technology at the service of health and people predominates.

The LH Forum is held annually, in the autumn, with the aim of sensitizing as many people as possible to “a new fair and inclusive economic model” and to promote collaboration in the construction of “a better world in the interest of future generations ”

In this year’s edition, the forum has had a presence of more than 5.000 people from all over the world, including audiences of all ages, professionals, company representatives, political leaders and those responsible for NGOs and associations.

III RIES18 Forum

For its part, the III RIES18 Forum will bring together 300 professionals – of recognized prestige from all over the world in the health and social sector – in the capital of Pontevedra under the motto, “Smart, healthy and friendly cities: guarantee a healthy and promote well-being at all ages. ”

Its main challenges are “to address the opportunities, advances and innovations that are being generated in the health ecosystem at the international level” to make cities as healthy, livable and integrative communities as possible.

Here you can find more information about the III RIES18 Forum.

Tickets for the III RIES18 Forum are purchased on this direct link.