
#RIES is the international reference forum at regional and national level to address the challenges and opportunities of the health ecosystem. Led by the CSG (Cluster Saúde de Galicia) it is created as a meeting point between the main agents of the health and social care sector of the public and private sector at European level in collaboration with the  ECHAlliance health ecosystem network. Every year the most innovative results are made visible during a main international event held in a place in Galicia that is a reference to the chosen theme.

The theme of the V International RIES Forum “Silver Economy: Food and Wellbeing” focuses on food as the basis for a good quality of life that allows us to have an active and healthy aging. We will address research projects, case studies, application of technology and FoodTech investment. The context of the current pandemic situation has only reinforced the importance of the food sector in our society.

The place in Galicia chosen for the event is the village of Albá in the province of Lugo. This province comprises a food industry based on sustainability and rural development.

The structure of the RIES Forum will once again be innovative and adapting to the new global context. It will consist of a hybrid online streaming event on October 21 & 28 and November 4.

The maturity of our collaborations within the same Galician health ecosystem as well as with various networks of health ecosystems (ECHAlliance) and clusters (TIM, University of Plymouth, Cluster SIVI, Health Basque Cluster, AraHealth, BIOTECYL, clustersgalicia, etc)  ensures a participation of key entities with representation from regulators (public administration, ministries, representatives of the European commission, world bank, etc.), industry (SMEs, MNC), academia (universities, technology centers, biomedical foundations, etc.) and user associations as well as professional associations.

The ultimate goal of this V RIES20 Forum is to generate business among participating companies and those attending to promote R & D & i projects. Therefore, the speakers are being carefully selected from among the different markets of interest to our associates (Israel, Finland, UK, Argentina, Chile, USA, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Japan, among many others) with a balance between public and private entities.

Both the registration and issuance process are carried out within our own #CSGNetwork platform, which allows a stratified access to the event documentation, the creation of an attendee profile to make your entity visible among the other attendees and the possibility of requesting 1: 1 meetings with the speakers.


Organizing Committee

President – CSG
Mosquera Álvarez, Rocío

President of Organizing Committee #RIES20
Juan M. Vieites Baptista de Sousa

Chao Ardao, José Manuel

de la Cruz Palomino, Luis Felipe

Fra Otero, Ricardo

González Cantalapiedra, Antonio

Sinde Stompel, Esteban

Technical Team #RIES20

García Álvarez, Gisela

Merkos, Carol

Queiruga, Steven

Technical Secretary