Cluster Saúde de Galicia – CSG

Logotipo Cluster Saúde de Galicia - CSG

Avda. Fernando de Casas Novoa, nº 37.
Edificio CNL. Portal A-B. 1º andar.
San Lázaro, 15707 Santiago de Compostela
+34 602 247 149

Cluster Saúde de Galicia, CSG, includes public and private entities from the health and socio-health sectors.

Our main objective is to be a platform of collaboration and reference from which to boost the competitiveness of the health industry of Galicia contributing to its economic and social development through cooperation between all public and private institutions.

Our activities are aligned to support three main objectives: innovation, internationalization and training. Always looking for cooperation and economic development as a result. In addition, we seek to catalyze effective cooperation in R + D + i of the sector.

Our trajectory goes back to 2011 when the association with 15 founding partners was formed. From 2012 to 2015, the first Strategic Plan of the cluster was established and the first working groups were launched to address collaborative projects in Health Organization, Technology and Nutrition focused on addressing healthy active aging.

At the end of 2016, the CSG is committed to establish its own structure to drive the cluster project, leading the communication among the agents of the Galician health ecosystem.

In these last two years, Clúster de Salud de Galicia, CSG, has reached a series of milestones, positioning itself as a leading representative of the health and social-health companies in Galicia:

  • CSG participates in European projects TITTAN and CODIGOMAIS as stakeholder and beneficiary respectively.
  • The CSG leads the Galician Health Ecosystem in the European network of health ecosystems ECHAlliance
  • Interclusters collaborations are established within national health clusters and cross-sectional clusters within Galicia.
  • Actions to support innovation, training and knowledge among partners are significantly increased.