AHFES Project

AHFES – A quadruple helix Atlantic Area healthy food ecosystem for growth of SMEs

Lead partner: Asociación Clúster Alimentario de Galicia (ES)

Total budget: EUR 1.213.047 | ERDF: EUR 909.785 Duration: 01.03.2019 – 28.08.2022


Innovation is a critical aspect of regional development and SMEs’ capacity to compete and grow. AHFES project will support SMEs in the healthy food and lifestyle sector, to improve their overall competitiveness and growth in the value chain of this sector. It will support a transnational innovation ecosystem that helps SMEs access knowledge, partners and markets and align their products and services to consumer needs and expectations. The proposed ecosystem and approach will increase cooperation between different actors, involve and raise awareness of consumers through a series of events, actions and studies, provide services and trainings to SMEs and transfer the lessons learned to other organisations and regions.


  • Asociación Clúster Alimentario de Galicia (ES)

  • Association du Pôle de Competivité VALORIAL (FR)

  • BIC Innovation (UK)

  • EIT Food CLC South, S.L. (ES)

  • InovCluster – Associação do Cluster Agroindustrial do Centro (PT)

  • Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge (PT)

  • National University of Ireland Galway (IE)

  • Northern Ireland Food & Drink Association (UK)

  • Llywodraeth Cymru (UK) (associated partner)