The IV Forum RIES19 will bring together in Palexco social agents, companies, speakers of the Silver Economy and important investors.

The Cluster Saúde de Galicia (CSG) and the European Digital Health Network (ECHAlliance) will hold the IV RIES19 Forum in A Coruña, which addresses the international challenges of the health ecosystem, with the motto Silver Economy: for active and healthy aging.

This international forum will focus on the challenge of population aging from the perspective of opportunities for research, innovation, job creation, revitalization of the economy and improvement of services for the elderly. After an exclusive pre-day for CSG members and collaborators on October 23rd at Domus, On Thursday, October 24th, social agents, companies, speakers of national and international reference of the Silver Economy and important investors will meet in Palexco.

The main day of the IV Forum RIES19 will begin at 9.00 and will consist of five discussion tables prior to networking with investors. The first table will have Juan Carlos Alcaide as speaker, a recognized expert in Silver Economy, who will explain this concept and the different options that open around the economy of aging. Starting at 10.00, the forum will host a second table focused on the possibility of financing at European level with Andy Bleaden, project evaluator of the European Commission and Director of Ecosystems at ECHAlliance, and Juan Riese, scientific and technical advisor of the European Office of Projects.

After a break, at 11.30 the table of the Third sector will begin as an engine of value creation in the social and health sector, in which the challenges and needs of society and the importance of private public collaboration will be addressed. The presentation on Integrative technological innovation: a success story with Gregor Cuzak, ECHAlliance Ecosystem Coordinator and co-founder of will close the morning after 12.30.

In the afternoon it will be the turn of the investor’s vision, with a round table that will moderate Santiago de Torres, of Inveready Biotech, in which Yolanda Falcón, management director in Xesgalicia, Isaac Chocron, Director of Iberia Business Development in OurCrowd and representatives of SHIPB2B and IGAPE. will participate.

The day will end with a networking time of two hours, from 17.30 to 19.30, so that the different projects and entities can establish direct contact with the speakers and investors. Interested persons can register through the page, where they will find all the information and news about the final program of the IV RIES19 Forum.