Regístrate ahora en V Fórum RIES20

#RIES is the international reference forum at regional and national level to address the challenges and opportunities of the health ecosystem. Led by the CSG (Cluster Saúde de Galicia) it is created as a meeting point between the main agents of the health and social care sector of the public and private sector at European level in collaboration with the ECHAlliance health ecosystem network.


Presidencia CSG

Mosquera Álvarez, Rocío

Comité organizador
Presidente del Comité #RIES20

Juan M. Vieites Baptista de Sousa

Chao Ardao, José Manuel

   de la Cruz Palomino, Luis Felipe

Fra Otero, Ricardo

González Cantalapiedra, Antonio

    Sinde Stompel, Esteban

Equipo Técnico #RIES20

García Álvarez, Gisela

Merkos, Carol

Queiruga, Steven

Secretaria Técnica


Noticias V Fórum RIES20

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