How technology can facilitate people’s lives, their health and daily activity, especially in old age, is one of the main themes of the round table “An ecosystem prepared for collaboration” that takes place on the central day of the RIES18 Forum.

It will also show, by experts from the sector, the latest innovations and advances in the social, health, health and personal care fields.

Domusvi, Edesdev, Televés and Obra Social La Caixa participate in this round table with testimonies and results of the projects of these entities that have proven effective in improving the quality of life of people.

Specifically, the speakers who will present the experiences of innovation in this sector are:

Jordi Velasco, director of marketing and communication at Domusvi.

Marta Sanz, director of operations at Edesdev.

Sara Rodríguez, product manager and Digital Home of Televes.

Cristina Vega, business director of Pontevedra Norte of the Obra Social La Caixa.

All of them will be moderated by the director of Inforesidencias and expert in legal aspects of aging, Josep de Martí.